While health sharing plans are more flexible and adaptable than ever, there’s little question that the ‘big deal’ about healthshare is the low monthly cost. But what happens when your healthshare rates go up? According to some of our long-time clients, Liberty Healthshare rates have gone up significantly. While this has not affected all of their plan options, the increases are reaching more and more people. Those people are asking us for alternatives, and we’re here to help.

Liberty Healthshare Rates Are Going Up

Are My Liberty HealthShare Rates Going Up?

If you’re enrolled in Liberty HealthShare, then this could be a good time to check in with your membership. While most healthshare companies inform their members of any changes to the monthly contribution, there’s a chance that they didn’t, or you didn’t hear about it.

Because healthshare contributions are taken directly from a specialized account, it’s possible that you won’t notice the rate increase for a number of months.

LIBERTY MEMBERS: Don’t Wait, Schedule a Free Rate Consultation With a Personal Benefits Manager

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How Much Will Liberty HealthShare Rates Go Up?

As of now, there has been no official notice about whether Liberty HealthShare rates will continue to rise. However, some clients have reported monthly cost increases of $200 – 400 per month, 30% or more over what they were paying. 

Which Health Share Plan Should I Switch To?

While healthshare plans are more affordable than health insurance plans, choosing one can be just as difficult. Choosing a health sharing plan requires all the same considerations, including:

  • Your current health needs, including pre-existing conditions
  • Your projected health needs, including prescription drugs
  • Your current income
  • Your level of risk tolerance

Also read our guide: Liberty Healthshare vs Zion Health [2024 Comparison Guide]

In addition to the cost differences, Health Sharing companies differ quite a bit when it comes to additional member benefits. When shopping for a healthshare plan, it’s also critical to compare each company by their member benefits, like:

  • Telehealth options
  • Mental health and substance abuse programs
  • Cost-reducing health incentive programs
  • Vision, dental, and hearing discount programs
  • Prescription drug discounts

Which is Better: MediShare or Liberty HealthShare?

As we mentioned above, the best healthshare plan of the two comes down to personal factors. But in general, Liberty HealthShare is a bit more affordable per month. MediShare has always been slightly more expensive but has more expansive options, like no lifetime sharing limits.  

Decide for Yourself: Compare Your Liberty HealthShare Rates

At HSA for America, we’re dedicated to helping our people secure the best and most affordable healthcare option. But that’s just the beginning: For as long as you have your plan, we’ll make sure that you’re still getting a good deal, even if it’s not as good for us.

You can use our instant healthshare quote system to compare your Liberty Healthshare rates with other top healthshare companies. If you decide you need to make a change, your Personal Benefits Manager (PBM) can help.

There’s no need to wait… Unlike insurance, you can make changes to your healthshare plan any time of year. Click here to schedule a free consultation, or call 800-913-0172 to be connected to a PBM.

Here are some additional articles on healthsharing programs: The 5 Best Health Sharing Plans for 2024 [Updated Comparison] | Liberty Healthshare vs netWell [2024 Comparison Guide] | How Healthcare Sharing Plans Compare with Traditional Health Insurance

Here are some additional pages related to this article: All You Need To Know About Healthshare Plans | How Smart Consumers are Opting Out of Obamacare and Slashing Their Costs by Joining Healthshare Programs