The HSA Secure Plan:

Combining the Best of Both Worlds

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By Mike Montes – Updated April 29, 2024
Reviewed by Whitney Kline
Fact checked by Lou Spatafore

If you are looking for a program that offers the tax benefits of an HSA, along with the low costs of medical cost sharing, HSA Secure it is!

The HSA Secure plan is the ONLY health sharing plan from a major health sharing organization that allows members to make tax deductible contributions to a health savings account.

This is because the HSA Secure plan combines a special HSA-qualified minimum essential coverage (MEC) insurance plan, with a low-cost catastrophic healthshare. 

This allows members to enjoy the benefits of health sharing while still retaining their eligibility to contribute pre-tax dollars to a health savings account (HSA).

By combining the cost-efficiency and the robust catastrophic care protections of  healthsharing plan with the tax-efficiency and savings potential of a health savings account, your health plan can fire on all cylinders: 

Healthsharing Plan

  • Powerful! Catastrophic health catastrophic healthcare costs such as hospitalizations, surgeries, cancer treatments, etc., are 100% shareable (after your initial member portion (similar to a deductible) is met. This is subject to certain restrictions on pre-existing conditions, detailed below.
  • Affordable! 35-50% less than the cost of a comparable traditional insurance policy 
  • No care networks! – Use your plan with any provider

Contribute to a Health Savings Account

  • Pre-tax contributions!
  • Tax-deferred growth!
  • Tax-free withdrawals to pay for medical care!
  • Take charge of your healthcare!
  • No income limitations!
  • No impact on ability to contribute to other retirement accounts!
  • Unused money can supplement retirement income at age 65+!
  • Save potential thousands in taxes!
  • Get cash payer discounts for medical care!

HSA-qualified Preventive Health Plan

  • Meets federal minimum essential coverage (MEC) requirements
  • Ensures eligibility to contribute to your HSA!
  • Full coverage for preventative care!

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By combining an HSA-qualified health insurance plan that covers preventive care, with a healthsharing program that shares 100% of qualified expenses after the initial shared amount, you end up with a program that will save you a LOT of money. 

You’ll end up with lower monthly costs, lower income taxes, a growing rainy-day HSA fund, and more money in your pocket. See details in the HSA Secure pdf.

How Does HSA Secure Work?

Take Charge of Your Health

This plan is a health-sharing program that pairs with an HSA-eligible MEC insurance plan, which allows you to take charge of your health, choose your provider, and ‘share’ in the coverage of your approved medical expenses through the network.

Healthshare + HSA Combined = Savings!

This is a special type of program since it’s a healthshare combined with a health savings account (HSA). An HSA is a type of savings account that lets you set aside money on a pre-tax basis to pay for qualified medical expenses.

That means you don’t pay income taxes on money you contribute to your health savings account. Every dollar you put in is available to pay for medical expenses. 

The money in your account grows tax-deferred if not used, just like a traditional IRA. You can keep it in an ordinary savings account. Or you can use a self-directed account that you can invest in stocks, mutual funds, gold and precious metals, or other assets in hopes of a greater long-term return.

You choose! 

The low monthly costs, along with the tremendous tax benefits of the HSA, make this plan one of the most popular we offer. 

Why Use an HSA?

Health savings accounts are one of the most powerful tools in the tax code. They provide a triple tax benefit to the account owner: 

  • Contributions are pre-tax, up to the annual contribution limit. 
  • Growth is tax-deferred as long as the money stays in the HSA.
  • Withdrawals to pay qualified medical expenses are tax-free. (A 20% penalty, plus income tax,  may apply to withdrawals not associated with a qualified medical expense prior to age 65.)
More HSA Benefits:

  • You own the account, therefore, HSA funds stay with you when you change jobs or retire.
  • After age 65, HSA funds can be rolled into a retirement account or kept in the HSA for medical expenses – still tax-deferred. 
  • When you reach age 65, your unused HSA balance is available to supplement your retirement income – penalty free. You just pay income tax on your withdrawals when you make them, similar to a traditional IRA. 
  • The money you do not use in your HSA rolls over from year to year and earns interest tax-deferred. 
  • Options for self-directed investments can potentially grow your savings for healthcare or retirement.

Your Initial Unshared Amount (Member Responsibility)

This is the amount you agree to be responsible for out of pocket each year or for each medical need before the Plan will begin sharing your medical costs.  

The IUA is also commonly called the member responsibility

With the HSA SECURE plan, you can choose from among three member responsibility amounts: 

  • $1,000
  • $2,500
  • $5,000


The higher your member responsibility amount, the lower your regular monthly required contribution will be.

You must pay your IUA to the care provider within six months of the date of service or bills may become ineligible for sharing.

Note that MPB Health defines their IUAs as per medical need, not per year. You could potentially pay more than one IUA for multiple different medical conditions within the same year.

But once you meet an IUA for a given medical need or condition, you won’t have to pay your IUA again until you’ve been symptom-free for at least 12 months.

But you won’t have to pay more than three IUAs in any rolling 12-month period. After you’ve paid three IUAs within any 12-month period, any additional medical needs over $500 will be 100% shareable by the plan, with no further member responsibility payments necessary from you. 

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HSA Secure Benefits

The HSA SECURE health sharing plan includes a wide range of sharing benefits, as follows:

hsasecure-benefits-iconNo cap on potential sharing benefits. 

The HSA SECURE plan has no cap on annual or lifetime cost sharing. There is no maximum sharing amount for most members.

Potential sharing of catastrophic medical bills is unlimited. (Exception: sSharing for costs related to pre-existing conditions may be subject to a waiting period. Tobacco users over age 50 have a $50,000 cap on cost sharing for certain conditions. See the section on smokers, below).

hsasecure-benefits-iconProfessional Healthcare Concierge

When you enroll in the HSA SECURE plan, you’ll have an experienced healthcare concierge available to you. This concierge can help you navigate the medical system, suggest or recommend quality care providers, and help you find the best pricing possible.

When you enroll, you should schedule a welcome call with your concierge. This will help you get acquainted with how your plan works and how to get the most possible out of your HSA SECURE plan benefits. 


Under the HSA SECURE plan, colonoscopies are available at a zero copay. That is, members do not have to pay an additional fee to receive a colonoscopy.. This is one of the HSA SECURE plan’s key differences compared to the CARE+ plan, which does not include mammograms or colonoscopies. 



Under the HSA Secure plan, mammograms are available at a zero copay. That is, members do not have to pay an additional fee to receive a mammogram. This is another one of the HSA SECURE plan’s key differences compared to the CARE+ Plan, which does not include mammograms.



Diagnostic imaging, such as X-rays, MRIs, and PET scans, are eligible for sharing after your initial unshareable amount is met. 


Childhood immunizations are available by schedule until age 16

hsasecure-benefits-iconChoose your own doctor.

Most traditional health insurance plans – HMO, PPOs, and exclusive provider organizations (EPOs) available via the Affordable Care Act exchanges restrict you to using their approved providers for non-emergency care, or charge you extra if you go out of the network.

With the HSA SECURE, you are free to use your plan with any provider you choose. You are in control of your health care.

However, if your chosen physician charges more than the usual and customary amount in your area for any given medical procedure, the plan may limit sharing to that amount.

With this program you also have access to a healthcare concierge that can help you find the best doctors offering the best pricing in your area – so you can get the most value out of your healthshare plan.

hsasecure-benefits-iconChiropractic Care

If the chiropractic services are related to the treatment of a specific diagnosed disease or musculoskeletal injury, then the HSA SECURE plan will share the cost of up to 25 office visits per Need Request.

All other chiropractic treatments not related to treating a diagnosed injury or disease will be treated as alternative medical therapies, and subject to the extra limitations described above.

For more information, see the section below on alternative care. 

hsasecure-benefits-iconMaternity Benefits

MPB Health offers some of the best maternity benefits of all healthsharing organizations in the industry: 

For pregnancies that begin at least 60 days after your effective membership date, all pregnancy and postpartum care for both mother and child are fully shareable, subject to a $1,000 IUA for the mother, and a $1,000 IUA for the baby. 

hsasecure-benefits-iconEmergency Room Visits

ER Visits are shareable after your initial unshareable amount is met. Members should use the level of care, such as telemedicine, office visits, urgent care clinics, or ER visits appropriate to their medical status.

hsasecure-benefits-iconSpecialist Care

Costs related to seeing a specialist are shareable once your initial unshared amount is met for that medical need. 


Pre-Existing Conditions

Costs related to treating pre-existing conditions are not typically shareable right away with the HSA SECURE Plan. If your medical record shows you were treated for, symptomatic for, or taking medications for a pre-existing condition within 24 months before signing up with the HSA SECURE plan, a waiting period will apply before the plan will share costs for those conditions.
For the first year after your membership effective date, costs related to pre-existing conditions are not shareable at all.

For year two, cost sharing for preexisting conditions per need request is limited to $25,000.

For year three, sharing is limited to $50,000 per need request.

For year four and beyond cost sharing for those pre-existing conditions  is limited to $125,000 per need request related to a pre-existing condition.

If you have received treatment or experienced symptoms of any medical condition within the 24 months previous to your enrollment, the treatment costs for these conditions will be limited for the first four years of membership.

Exceptions: High blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes (types 1 and 2) will not be considered pre-membership medical conditions as long as the member has not been hospitalized for the condition in the twelve months prior to enrollment and is able to control and is able to control it through medication or diet. 


Mental Health Benefits

The HSA SECURE plan includes free mental health counseling via

Benefits include live 24/7 support for all household members. Meetings can be via telephone or on-screen, or via an online chat service.

Members can use this benefit for counseling, life coaching, stress management, assessments, elder care and elder law consultation, and relationship counseling.

The plan includes up to twelve sessions annually per individual in the household (six visits in California, limited to three visits every six months.

Members also have access to LifeCare, a completely confidential counseling service that provides assistance with work and personal life issues. 

LifeCare services include: 

  • virtual, in-person, or telephonic counseling, 
  • access to resources to provide legal, housing, childcare, and financial management support
  • financial wellness counseling
  • elder care counseling and resources
  • An extensive online video library of life coaching and other educational resources
  • Access to Compass, which provides advanced HR support and professional development.


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Prescription Drugs

A prescription drug discount plan is available to SECURE Plan members via 

Members can sign up for this benefit for an additional $19.95 per month. This may be cost effective for members who take multiple medications. For those households just taking one or two prescription medications, it’s usually more efficient to pay out of pocket directly, and use a discount plan like one of these prescription discount cards

The HSA SECURE Pharmacy Concierge Benefit

A prescription drug discount plan is available to SECURE Plan members via 

Members can sign up for this benefit for an additional $19.95 per month. This may be cost effective for members who take multiple medications. For those households just taking one or two prescription medications, it’s usually more efficient to pay out of pocket directly, and use a discount plan like one of these prescription discount cards

Tobacco Users/Smokers

hsasecure-tobacco-smokingTobacco-using members must contribute an additional $50 per month over and above their regular monthly sharing amount. 

If you’re a tobacco user and over age 50, some sharing provisions under the HSA SECURE plan will be restricted: Cost sharing for cancer, stroke, heart conditions, and pulmonary diseases will be limited to $50,000 for smokers and other tobacco users over age 50.

Alternative Care 

hsasecure-alternativecareUnder the HSA SECURE plan, most costs for alternative medicine treatments are shareable, provided they are preauthorized, and meet the additional sharing criteria described below. 

HSA SECURE has contracted with WholeHealth Living Choices, a network of more than 35,000 alternative health care providers in more than 35 complementary and alternative medicine specialties. WholeHealth Living Choices can help plan members locate and select alternative providers and receive discounts on services.

Alternative care providers may include:

  • Acupuncture
  • Chiropractic
  • Massage Therapy
  • Natural Healing
  • Physical and Occupational Therapy
  • Personal Training 
  • Pilates
  • Tai Chi
  • Qi Gong
  • Yoga
  • Diet and nutrition 
  • Weight management

The WHLC Web portal allows you to print your discount coupons directly without having to wait for an authorization or benefit approval.

For an alternative treatment or therapy to be shareable, it must be considered safe and effective by HSA SECURE administrators. When requesting HSA SECURE to share the cost of alternative medical treatments, you should be prepared to demonstrate the proposed value of the treatment. 

You’ll also need to provide an explanation of why the alternative treatment was selected, and your physician’s notes on your current condition. The Plan may be able to help you obtain these notes. 

Additionally, you’ll need to provide the estimated cost of the proposed alternative therapy. 

You should always ask your provider for their best cash price before submitting the request. 

The HSA SECURE plan considers alternative medical treatment plans on an individual, case-by-case basis. The Plan may impose caps on the number of visits or total shareable cost, depending on the service. 

Once an alternative therapy is approved, the Plan may limit further sharing if you decide to return to traditional care methods. 

If you decide to pursue an alternative therapy or course of treatment, HSA SECURE+ is there to help: The Plan has contracted with Tivity Health to provide members with a network of alternative health doctors that provides discounts of 10% to 40% compared to regular retail prices. 

How Much Can Your Family Save With a Health Savings Account?

When you consider the low monthly cost, combined with the HSA-generated tax savings, it is not uncommon for a family to save several thousand dollars a year. 

Typical Non-HSA Plan $7500 Deductible: 80% / 20% Coinsurance
HSA Plan melded with a Health Sharing Program*, $1000 IUA (initial unshared amount)
Annual Premium
- $16,812
- $7,860
Insured's Share of Medical Costs ($2,000 claim)
- $2,000 (full amount)
- $1000 (rest paid by healthshare)
Non-covered expenses:
- $550
- $550 (dental and eye wear expenses)
Expenses Subtotal
= - $19,362
= - $9,410
Federal Tax Savings*
+ $0
+ $1,752
State Tax Savings*
+ $0
+ $365
Net Expenses (out-of-pocket minus savings)
- $19,362
- $7,322
Total (Net Savings with HSA Plan)
= +$12,040 in Savings!

Note: HSA Secure is only available to business owners, independent contractors, and self-employed individuals. When you enroll, you’ll need to submit proof of your status, such as a business license, Schedule C, or 1099.

If you are not an independent contractor or business owner, or don’t have self-employed income, you should consider the CARE+ plan – a very similar healthsharing plan, though it doesn’t include preventative care and is not HSA-eligible.

How Can an HSA Work with Medical Cost Sharing?

Normally, HSAs are only available to people who have an HSA-qualified high deductible health insurance plan. Since health sharing is not health insurance, how does this work?

The answer: Everyone who joins the HSA SECURE plan is actually joining two distinct programs:

Program 1 is the healthsharing program. After paying your choice of either $1,000; $2,500; or a $5,000 payment for your Initial Unshared Amount (IUA), the program will share 100% of the rest of your qualified expenses for that particular medical need or event.

No further copays, no deductibles, no coinsurance.


Program 2 is an HSA-qualified minimum essential coverage (MEC) plan. This is a traditional insurance platform that covers all preventive care mandated under the Affordable Care Act. This includes checkups, periodic tests like mammograms or pap smears, and other specific services, all with a $0 co-pay.

Very Affordable Rates

This program is surprisingly affordable, especially for those over age 30. Just like other healthshare programs, these healthshares do not have premiums but instead have contribution amounts. Typically, these amounts are less than half the cost of an unsubsidized health insurance policy.

The monthly cost for a single individual can be as low as $225. These rates vary depending on the number of members on the plan, as well as the Initial Unshared Amount (IUA). The IUA is the amount you pay prior to your medical bills being shared by the community at 100%. IUA choices are $1000, $2500, or $5,000.


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Enroll today!

Enrolling online is very easy! Click here, and follow the instructions: 

  1. First, run a quote by choosing your state, and following the prompts. 
  2. If you like what you see, click the green Apply Now button. 
  3. On the enrollment page, enter your name and date of birth. 
  4. Next, below your name and DOB fields, you’ll see an option to add dependents. Click click the “add spouse” or “add children” buttons on the screen and add their names and dates of birth as appropriate. 
  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “UPDATE.” 
  6. Select your desired IUA (initial unshared amount) from the drop-down menu. This is how much you’ll pay before the HSA Secure shares 100% of remaining eligible expenses. The higher your IUA, the lower your monthly pricing. You’ll be able to see the different monthly costs just by clicking each of the three options. Select the one you want, and click “continue.”
  7. On the next page, fill in your address, contact, and Social Security number information. To complete the form for all your dependents, click the “pencil” icon next to each name. After you’re done, click “Save dependent” and repeat the process until you have entered all your dependents on the plan.
  8. Scroll down and review the HSA SECURE plan’s Statement of Principles. You must agree to these principles to join the healthshare.
  9. Review the Health History section. Make sure you understand the HSA Secure plan limitations on sharing for pre-existing conditions, pregnancies, and other exclusions. Click “Yes” or “No” on each paragraph as appropriate.
  10. Select your payment method. You can pay by bank ACH draft or by major credit or debit card.
  11. Check the  “I’m not a robot.” box.
  12. Click and drag your mouse or touchpad to digitally sign the document.
  13. Type out your name in the box below.
  14. Click “Submit.”
  15. Check for error messages. If you skipped an entry, you’ll be prompted to go back and fix the error.
  16. Confirm your application went through.

Tip: If you enroll by the 20th of the month, your membership will be effective as of the 1st of the following month. If you apply after the 20th, your membership will be effective the first day of the month after that.

You’ll receive email confirmation of your enrollment.

Once you’re enrolled, you should schedule a 30-minute orientation phone call with an MPB Health concierge. Make sure to take advantage of this orientation opportunity, as it can help prevent a lot of confusion and help keep the process as smooth and seamless as possible. 

You will also be assigned a Personal Benefits Manager here at HSA for America. They will be here to answer questions, be your advocate, and review your plan and costs on a periodic basis, so you can stay in the best program for your needs.  

About Us

Since 2004, HSA for America has led the way in affordable healthcare, crafting innovative cost-saving strategies and providing strong alternatives to expensive traditional health insurance for individuals, families, and small businesses. Read more about us.

Need Help?

Need help? Having trouble enrolling online? Call us and speak to one of our experienced Personal Benefits Managers at 800-913-0172.

Medical cost sharing plans that can work with an HSA are becoming more popular as the cost of health insurance rises. Going with an HSA-eligible healthshare plan could be the best move for you and your family’s health and well-being.


Leslie (Personal Benefits Manager) is always informed about the plans and helps me to make a wise decision on which one is best for me. Can’t ask for anything more.

Beth Patterson

Mike (Personal Benefits Manager) was great! He answered all our questions and was really helpful and patient with us while we were making our decisions.

Stacy Longoria

HSA for America, and Lou Spatafore (Personal Benefits Manager), provided a way to pay for healthcare costs, that is affordable and provides what is needed. I appreciated that Lou explained everything so that we understood how the health sharing works, and he was available whenever we had questions.

Scott Egbers

Misty (Personal Benefits Manager) was very helpful. We really appreciated her help getting us set up with our Marketplace plan.

Reverend Joan Kistler

Whitney (Personal Benefits Manager) was amazing and went far above my expectations in customer service. She answered every question and so far everything has been just like she said it would be!!! Thank you

Wendy Skeesick

HSA Secure Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How are pre-existing conditions handled?

A: Expenses for pre-existing conditions are not shared for the first 12 months. 

In year two up to $25,000 will be shared; year three $50,000; and for years four and beyond the program will share in up to $125,000 per year.

Exceptions: High blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes (types 1 and 2) will not be considered pre-membership medical conditions as long as the member has not been hospitalized for the condition in the twelve months prior to enrollment and is able to control it through medication or diet. 

Q: How does an HSA work?

A: HSAs offer significant tax advantages that can help you save money. 

First, contributions to an HSA are tax-deductible. This means that you can reduce your taxable income by the amount you contribute. 

Second, the money grows tax deferred, just like money in an IRA or 401(k).

And finally, any money you withdraw from the account to pay for qualified medical expenses is tax-free. 

The result is that you can get significant tax savings now, and build savings in a special tax-favored account that you can use for future medical expenses, with money that will never  be taxed!

HSAs are not just  for those in higher tax brackets, but they are fantastic for anyone who is willing to fund their account every year. (The maximum amount you can contribute in 2023 is $,3850 for an individual, and $7,750 for a family. $1,000 more than that if you’re over 55). 

You can use your HSA money to pay for any type of medical expense, from second opinions or special tests, to natural or alternative treatments. 

Click here to read more about the benefits of HSAs and how to set one up

Q: Who is eligible for the HSA Secure (HSA-qualified) health sharing plan?

A: This plan is available to small businesses, and anyone who is self-employed, an independent contractor, or who otherwise has self-generated income.

No one is declined based on prior medical conditions, or religious beliefs. However, sharing for costs related to pre-existing conditions may be limited, as explained below. 

Q: How can the monthly contribution rates to the HSA Secure plan be so low compared to health insurance?

A: Health sharing plans tend to attract more health-conscious members, who have fewer healthcare needs. They also may put waiting periods on pre-existing conditions, and they do not share for all the same expenses that health insurance plans are required to cover. For example, healthsharing plans typically won’t share bills related to illegal or deliberate drug overdose or for injuries related to the member’s drunk driving.

Q: How does HSA SECURE work when I have a medical expense?

A: When you have a medical need outside of preventive care, you can select the provider or facility of your choice. You aren’t limited to any particular care network. 

Present yourself as a cash-pay patient, pay the amount of your IUA, and ask to be billed for the balance. Then submit the medical bill to the company and you’ll receive an explanation of how the cost will be shared, including any amount you’re responsible for as payment towards your IUA.

In most cases, your HSA custodian will provide you with a special debit card. You can use this debit card to pay for any up-front medical expenses, such as your initial unshared amount. 

HSA Secure Reviews 

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4.1 out of 5 stars (based on 30 reviews)
5 star47%
4 star27%
3 star20%
2 star3%
1 star3%

Flexibility and savings potential

May 15, 2024

This unique health sharing plan not only provides comprehensive coverage but also allows me to make tax-deductible contributions to a health savings account (HSA). The combination of a special HSA-qualified MEC insurance plan and low-cost catastrophic healthcare is a brilliant approach. I appreciate the flexibility and savings potential that HSA Secure offers. I feel secure in my health plan and optimistic about the financial benefits it brings.


Smart Health, Smart Savings!

March 14, 2024

HSA Secure gets a well-deserved 4 stars from me! The ability to contribute pre-tax dollars to a health savings account (HSA) sets this plan apart. The combination of a special HSA-qualified MEC insurance plan and a low-cost catastrophic healthshare is a smart solution for both health and savings. The cost-efficiency and comprehensive coverage provide peace of mind, and the tax benefits sweeten the deal. HSA Secure is a smart choice for anyone looking to optimize their health plan while maximizing their savings potential.

Merekel P

Balancing Savings and Security!

January 8, 2024

I recently purchased the HSA Secure plan, and I must say it’s a game-changer! The combination of a special HSA-qualified MEC insurance plan and a low-cost catastrophic healthshare allows me to enjoy the best of both worlds. The tax benefits of contributing to a health savings account (HSA) are a huge plus, giving me the opportunity to save pre-tax dollars for future medical expenses. The seamless integration of cost-efficiency and robust catastrophic care protection makes HSA Secure stand out. I feel confident in my health coverage and financial planning.

Fletcher Weatherby

Pros & Cons

November 9, 2023


I saved almost half off my monthly insurance costs.

They are great at sharing bills for accidents.

No “caps” on annual or lifetime healthsharing


They say they don’t reject applicants with pre-exisitng conditions. But they sure find ways to reject them at claim time!

Matt H

We love HSA Secure!

September 21, 2023

We were on the program for two years when my son got hit on his skateboard by a hit-and-run driver. He had two broken ribs, a broken wrist and a concussion. Mpowering came through for us. Yes, I had to pay my sharing amount but I expected that. Mpower paid the rest right away. Thank God the injuries weren’t worse!

Ingrid B

Great option for independent truck drivers!

June 30, 2023

My wife and I are tandem OTR truck drivers and owner-operators. We’re on our own for health care. We don’t get group plan, and we don’t get an Obamacare subsidy, so we were getting creamed on health insurance. This plan suited our needs. It doesn’t tie us to our hometown like our old HMO did, because they had a narrow network. Plus it’s saving us almost 40 percent compared to what our HMO quoted us!

Mick and Ellen C


April 16, 2023

They’re saving me hundreds of dollars a month health insurance is a total ripoff.

Ruth J

Watch out for "pre-existing" conditions!

January 31, 2023

First, yes, Mpowering Benefits/Zion Healthcare is cheaper than health insurance. My family saved almost 500/month by using MPB.

They did really well after my daughter was injured playing softball and had to go to the ER after getting a concussion in a home plate collision.

But when my husband had a heart attack, they turned down the claim. They said it was “pre-existing.” But he had never been diagnosed with any heart problems. He’d never taken any heart medications, or even high blood pressure medications. He told the doctor he had been feeling easily fatigued before the heart attack. So so far we’’ve got a $98,000 bill from the hospital and another $7,000 bill from the cardiologist and they’re not sharing.

We’re appealing. But their definition of “pre-existing” is absolutely ridiculous.

Ellen L

Signing up was easy!

December 16, 2022

I did it through the HSA for America website. My agent Misty was awesome. Haven’t had to use the plan yet, but I’m saving hundreds per month compared to my old health insurance plan!

Warren, O

Works for me!

October 13, 2022

I’m a self-employed freelancer and Mpowering benefits was just what the doctor ordered! They have a package designed especially for solo freelancers. I like the fact that it has no caps on annual or lifetime sharing!

Shannon Y

Cost Sharing Took Over a Month

August 3, 2022

These guys took too long getting me my reimbursement. They tried to tell me that the bill was ineligible so I had to call them a bunch. The payment did come through in the end but it took over a month. I really could have used that money a little earlier.

Sam B.

Direct Plan “Feels Like Real Insurance”

June 11, 2022

I’m in the ‘Direct’ plan, and so far it’s fantastic. I get to see my doctor whenever I want. This feels like real insurance, but I’m still only paying about $300 between my DPC and MPB.

Gabriel D.

Jury is Still Out

April 30, 2022

They’re okay, but the jury is still out on whether they’re the best. I’ve had a few times where I couldn’t really get a hold of the person I needed to. My sister has Medishare and she’s trying to convince me to switch. I guess I won’t really know until I need to make a share request.

Ron G.

“Really Easy” for Small Business

April 27, 2022

I got MPB setup for my company last year. We just had to deal with our first sharing request, and it was really easy. I only have a few employees but so far they’ve all been happy to sign up for the plan, and I get to choose exactly how much to contribute.

Marla Y.

Good Cheap Plans

March 21, 2022

Healthcare in this country is ridiculous. Mpowering is at least making it a little more affordable. They have a couple of good cheap plans to choose from. I think we will keep them for now.

Miguel D.


March 3, 2022

The only healthshare I’m aware of that let me keep depositing to an HSA. It wasn’t super easy, but my advisor got that all setup with me in an hour or two. Now I’m taking the money I’m saving every month and putting it towards retirement. Would recommend.

Lorena V.

Shout out to the member assistance program

January 10, 2022

MPB Health’s member program is really impressive. All members have access to free counseling, stress management, and substance abuse stuff. And it’s free for members. That’s what healthshare is about I think, helping each other out, making things better for us all.

Adam K.

Paid all of my hospital bills!

December 17, 2021

Had a knee surgery scheduled. My hospital bills were negotiated and paid in full prior to my surgery. No surprise bills, just my $1000 IUA, as advertised and promised. Super happy, great customer service.


Does not cover in my area

December 3, 2021

All the providers here are out of network so they cover nothing here in Wyoming. Terrible plan for those who live in Wyoming.

Carmel B.

The only healthshare plan that accepted by DPC membership

November 30, 2021

I’ve been with the same primary care doc for a few years now, and I am never going to change. When he started offering DPC, we jumped on board. Then he told me that you can add a MPowering plan to DPC just for the big stuff. Feel good because I’m still paying less than with insurance.

Estrella A.

Adviser said I needed something that was “HSA qualified”

November 15, 2021

I sure as heck wasn’t going to stick with my old insurance plan anymore once my subsidy was canceled. Almost my whole promotion was wiped out by how much more I was paying in premiums. My MPB healthshare works with my HSA … So I was like, buh-bye insurance.

Blake J.

Sharing payment was kind of slow

November 9, 2021

It took them over a week to get back to me about my sharing request. Seemed like a long time. Then it was a few more weeks before it was fully processed. But the payment did come through, and the plan is working just like they say it does. A decent deal per-month I think.

Nathan K.

Small business plans with MPB

October 28, 2021

I’ve got a small furniture store in the country and got a Mpowering plan for the company. There’s only about 10 of us but I wanted to keep everyone happy and healthy in any way I could. What’s really great is that I can choose exactly how much I want to contribute each month.

Jim T.

Best healthshare plan for people with prescriptions

October 4, 2021

Between my wife and I we’ve got a bunch of different prescriptions. Our medical costs were going way up which is why we switched to MPB. The online pharmacy is an awesome tool … I can track all of our medicine right there in one place, and see which pharmacies have the best prices.

Dameon S.

Their group plan is working well for my employees

September 19, 2021

I have my employees signed up for a Group plan with MPB healthshare. It was a heck of a lot easier than getting a group insurance plan started, and it was less than a month before our program went into effect. Some of my employees were a little unsure about health sharing in general, but now that they’ve seen how it works, I think they’re pretty happy. I’ll have to switch to traditional insurance if I ever have more than 50 employees, but for now, I think this is a great fit.

Jonathan B.

Mpowering Benefits has great member assistance programs

September 13, 2021

I’m blown away by MPB’s member assistance programs. Beyond the protection you get from the medical cost sharing, members also can get help with stress, grief, bereavement, substance abuse, and even marital issues. As a mental health professional, I think it’s fantastic that healthshare companies are starting to give their members access to critical programs like these without charging any extra.

Julia T.

They do a great job helping to find cheaper prescription drugs

September 2, 2021

MPB has done a great job of helping me find cheaper prescriptions. Their online pharmacy page shows me where I can find the lowest prices, and exactly how much it’s going to cost me when I get to the counter. I can also track all the medications I’ve purchased and see the full history whenever I want. They even helped me find a more affordable asthma inhaler from overseas.

Dan P.

Not perfect, but beats Obamacare!

August 28, 2021

I’ve been with MPowering for a while now. The last time I called them it took over a week for them to get back to me. I wish they’d move a little bit faster, but overall, all of my health costs have been shared just like they said they would. At the very least, it’s a lot better than being forced into an Obamacare plan.

Ned T.

MPowering Benefits works well for my family

August 21, 2021

This is one of the only healthshare companies that said they would work with my Direct Primary Care doctor. I’ve been doing direct care for almost a year now, and it’s helped get me into the best shape of my life. Now, with MPB Direct, I can also stay protected against emergency costs if I ever get into an accident.

John T.

Great option for an HSA

August 13, 2021

I switched to MBP health sharing when I found out that I could also have an HSA. I’ve been wanting to ditch Obamacare for years but I didn’t want to lose out on that part of my investment portfolio. My agent helped me combine an MPB health sharing program with a minimum benefits plan, which allowed me to keep using an HSA just like before.

Sylvia J.

1001-A E. Harmony Rd #519 Fort Collins, CO 80525
Telephone: 800-913-0172
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Disclaimer: All information on this website is relayed to the best of the Company's ability, but does not guarantee accuracy. Information may be out of date. The content provided on this site is intended for informational purposes only and does not guarantee price or coverage. This site is not intended as, and does not constitute, accounting, legal, tax, and/or other professional advice. Determination of actual price is subject to Carriers.