Thanks to MediShare’s vast sharing capacity and a relatively high $125,000 sharing cap per pregnancy, Medishare is an excellent option for any married woman or couple who may be starting a family in the foreseeable future.
That said, it’s important to understand how MediShare healthsharing works, and its requirements, limitations, and exclusions, before you become pregnant.
About the Medi-Share Organization
Medi-Share is an affordable, powerful alternative to traditional health insurance. Medi-Share itself is not an insurance company. Instead, it’s a non-profit Christian healthsharing ministry organization that facilitates the sharing of medical expenses among its more than 400,000 members nationwide.
While individual circumstances vary, Medi-Share members typically save between 30-50% on their monthly healthcare costs compared to traditional unsubsidized health insurance plans.
Medi-Share can therefore be a terrific choice for people who are either left out of the Obamacare subsidy programs under the Affordable Care Act, or who get a relatively small subsidy.
Eligibility for MediShare Maternity Coverage
To be eligible for maternity sharing, you must be married* you must have an Annual Household Portion (similar to a deductible) of $3,000 or higher. If you select an AHP at the $1,000 or $1,750 level, your maternity expenses will not be eligible for sharing.
You must also faithfully contribute your monthly required sharing contribution from the month of conception through the month of delivery.
If the maternity is eligible for sharing, the cost of treatment for complications to the mother is also eligible for sharing. The cost of treatment for child(ren) who become members at birth is also eligible for sharing. Multiple births are considered a single pregnancy event.
Medishare Maternity Coverage for Unmarried Women
Since MediShare is a Christian healthsharing organization, Members are expected to abide by Christian values. Pregnancies conceived outside of marriage are not eligible for sharing. You must indicate on your membership application that you are married, even if you are joining Medi-Share as an individual rather than as a couple.
However, MediShare does provide full maternity coverage benefits for unmarried women who become pregnant as a result of rape, provided the rape has been reported to law enforcement.
If the mother does not desire to keep a child conceived as a result of rape, Medi-Share is dedicated to assisting in arranging for maternity and adoption services through Christian organizations to encourage and support the preservation of the lives of these unborn children.
Medishare Maternity Coverage Limits and Exclusions
Sharing is limited to $125,000 for any single pregnancy event, to include antepartum care, the cost of delivery and complications to the mother and/or child(ren), and postpartum care.
Multiples (twins, triplets, etc.) are considered a single pregnancy event.
Maternity costs are not eligible for sharing under the following circumstances:
- Bills incurred before a newborn’s effective date, if you don’t formally enroll your newborn within 30 days of birth
- Maternity expenses for children conceived outside of marriage or a rape reported to law enforcement
- Maternity expenses for pregnancies that are conceived prior to your effective membership date. You must already be a Medi-Share member at the time of conception to be eligible for sharing.
Qualified Healthcare Professional Requirement
For your actual delivery costs to be eligible for maternity sharing, the delivery must be performed by one of these following qualified medical professionals:
- Medical Doctor
- Doctor of Osteopathy
- Midwife who is properly licensed, certified and/or registered in the state of delivery as required by state law. In the absence of state law requirement, Medi-Share requires at least a minimum of a North American Registry of Midwives credential.
Compare Pricing on the Best HealthShare Plans Available
Postpartum Expenses
Medi-Share’s maternity benefits include the sharing of all costs associated with labor and delivery, including hospital fees, anesthesia, and surgical fees.
After your baby is born, MediShare’s maternity benefits continue to cover your healthcare needs. You will have access to postnatal care, including follow-up doctor visits and any necessary medical treatments. Medi-Share also offers lactation support and counseling to help new mothers adjust to breastfeeding.
Newborn Status and Effective Date
If a parent is a member at the time of delivery, the newborn can be a member from birth if the Application to Add-on Family Member(s) is submitted within 30 days of delivery.
If the newborn is not added to membership within 30 days of delivery, the child’s Effective Date will be the first day of the month following approval of the Application to Add-on Family Member(s), and pre-existing and congenital condition limitations will apply.
MediShare Maternity Coverage Well-Child Care
MediShare will share the cost of well-child care until the child turns six years old. Well-child care includes recommended and routine checkups and lab work arising from those checkups. Immunizations are not included in Well Child Care sharing benefits.
Medi-Share members who choose the DPC membership option are not eligible for this sharing benefit. But that should not pose a difficulty, since if you select the DPC membership tier, you will receive these services at no additional cost from your Direct Primary Care doctor.
Additional MediShare Maternity Coverage Requirements
Unlike traditional health insurance plans, MediShare requires all members to live according to their Christian values and maintain a responsible lifestyle.
The following behaviors could result in a denial of sharing benefits or the cancellation of your membership:
- Illegal drug abuse
- Alcohol abuse
- Abuse of prescription drugs
- Smoking or vaping
- Sexual relations outside of wedlock
- Participation in reckless or dangerous activities
Summary of MediShare Maternity Coverages and Sharing Benefits
In summary, MediShare’s health-sharing maternity benefits are an excellent option for young women planning to start a family in the near future. The organization provides comprehensive prenatal care, labor and delivery coverage, and postnatal care for all eligible members. With MediShare, you can save money on healthcare costs while still receiving quality healthcare services. However, it is essential to note that not all healthcare expenses are eligible for sharing through MediShare. If you have any questions or concerns about your healthcare needs, it is always best to consult with a healthcare professional.
How to Join MediShare
You can self-enroll in Medi–Share in just a few minutes online!
It’s easy!
Just click this self-enrollment link, and complete the following steps:
- Enter identifying information. You’ll be asked to enter some basic information about your age, your spouse’s age (if any), your location, and the size of your household. Just follow the prompts at each screen.
- Click “View Quotes.” Pick your start date, confirm your zip code, date of birth, and number of people to be covered.
- Choose what Annual Household Portion you would like. This is the amount you pay before Medi-share starts paying the bills. You can choose $3,000, $6,000, $9,000, or $12,000. If you are a member of a Direct Primary Care (DPC) practice, you can choose the Direct Primary Care option which will also reimburse you up to $1800 for your DPC fees.
- Highlight the plan you want. Then go to the bottom of the page, and fill in the fields you see.
You’ll be taken to another page to enter the name and info of everyone that will be enrolling.
After submitting this information, you’ll receive an email directing you how to make your initial payment, and submit any further information that Medi-Share may need.
Questions? Need some assistance? Click here to make an appointment with an experienced Personal Benefits Manager, who will be happy to help you walk through the process.
FAQs on MediShare Maternity, Pregnancy, and Childbirth Coverage Benefits
Does MediShare cover pregnancy and childbirth expenses?
Yes, MediShare does share maternity and childbirth expenses, including pregnancy, pre- and post-natal care, and wellness visits for the child or children until age six.
What are the eligibility requirements for maternity sharing with MediShare?
To be eligible for maternity sharing, you must be married, have an Annual Household Portion (similar to a deductible) of $3,000 or higher, and faithfully contribute your monthly required sharing contribution from the month of conception through the month of delivery.
How much does MediShare cover for a single pregnancy event?
Sharing is limited to $125,000 for any single pregnancy event, including antepartum care, the cost of delivery and complications to the mother and/or child(ren), and postpartum care.
What medical professionals are considered qualified for maternity sharing with MediShare?
To be eligible for maternity sharing, the delivery must be performed by a Medical Doctor, Doctor of Osteopathy, or a Midwife who is properly licensed, certified, and/or registered in the state of delivery as required by state law.
What are the limitations and exclusions for maternity sharing with MediShare?
Maternity costs are not eligible for sharing under the following circumstances: bills incurred before a newborn’s effective date, maternity expenses for children conceived outside of marriage or a rape reported to law enforcement, and maternity expenses for pregnancies that are conceived prior to your effective membership date.
Does MediShare provide full maternity sharing benefits for unmarried women?
No, pregnancies conceived outside of marriage are not eligible for sharing.
However, MediShare does provide full maternity sharing benefits for unmarried women who become pregnant as a result of rape, provided the rape has been reported to law enforcement.
Does MediShare cover prenatal care and wellness visits for the child after birth?
Yes, MediShare covers prenatal care and wellness visits for the child after birth until age six.
What happens if a newborn is not added to the MediShare membership within 30 days of delivery?
If the newborn is not added to membership within 30 days of delivery, the child’s Effective Date will be the first day of the month following approval of the Application to Add-on Family Member(s), and pre-existing and congenital condition limitations will apply.
What support services does MediShare offer for new mothers?
Medi-Share offers postnatal care, including follow-up doctor visits and any necessary medical treatments, as well as lactation support and counseling to help new mothers adjust to breastfeeding.
Can Medi-Share members save money on maternity expenses compared to traditional unsubsidized health insurance plans?
Yes, MediShare members typically save between 30-50% on their monthly healthcare costs compared to traditional unsubsidized health insurance plans.
MediShare can be a terrific choice for people who are either left out of the Obamacare subsidy programs under the Affordable Care Act or who get a relatively small subsidy.
Here are some additional articles on MediShare: MediShare vs. netWell — Healthshare Comparison Guide 2025 | The Role of Telemedicine in Health Sharing | Does MediShare Cover Dental?
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