Sep 9, 2021 | Health Insurance, Healthshare, Heathsharing
How to become a healthshare and health insurance expert: When it comes to the health insurance industry, it seems like everything is more complicated than it needs to be. Without the help of a health insurance expert, the process of shopping for a health plan can be...
Aug 10, 2021 | Health Insurance, Open Enrollment Period
California residents have plenty of time to get health insurance in 2021, but it may benefit you to get coverage as early as possible. If the last year has made anything clear, it’s just how important it is to have a health plan in place. Even the healthiest of us can...
Jul 28, 2021 | Health Insurance, Heathsharing
Why HSA for America is Better Than eHealth (the ‘Big Guys’) at Getting You Covered These days, it doesn’t matter what you’re shopping for. Just type it into your browser’s search bar and let the algorithm do the work for you. But, just because something is at the top...
Mar 25, 2021 | Heathsharing, Open Enrollment Period, Short-term health plan
Miss open enrollment? Short term plans, special enrollment periods, and health sharing plans are available to keep you covered and protected Every year, Americans have a limited opportunity to sign up for health insurance during the Open Enrollment Period from...
Sep 26, 2019 | Health Insurance
California health insurance subsidies are expanding to lower health insurance costs for people earning up to 600% of the federal poverty level (FPL). The state legislature approved a $1.45 billion budget over three years to lower premium costs for individuals and...