April 2022 Maximixe your HSA e-Newsletter  Vol. 18, Issue 7

Know Someone Who Can’t Afford Health Insurance?

A Low-Cost Catastrophic Health Plan

Could Be the Answer


Some catastrophic health care sharing plans are around $100 per month, making them an important option for people in difficult times.

If you’re living in the U.S.A., then statistically speaking, you’re spending well over 10% of your income on health insurance. Between premiums, deductibles, and medications, the cost of staying healthy is only going up and up.

But for anyone who can’t afford a plan, the cost is even greater. Without health insurance, an unexpected trip to the hospital could have serious financial consequences resulting in debt, food insecurity, and even bankruptcy.

If you know an individual or family who simply cannot afford a health plan, we can help, and here’s how:



Catastrophic Health Care Sharing Plans: Ultra Low-Cost Protection for Medical Emergencies


Even if you’re a regular reader, it’s possible that you haven’t heard us talking much about “Catastrophic” health plans. That’s because these plans have some significant limitations on what type of services are covered, and what percentage of the overall bill is actually covered.

But these plans are still much better than nothing, and they are the most affordable option on the table.


Our Pick: Altrua Ruby Membership

Over the last few months, one catastrophic-level healthshare plan in particular has emerged as the most effective, and one of the most affordable.  It’s Altrua’s Ruby-Level Healthshare Membership.


This is a program that works just like other healthshare options, with a few unique elements. Here are the bullet points:

  • Starts at $113 per month for individuals / $221 for a family of 4

  • Includes unlimited telemedicine

  • Members are responsible for an out-of-pocket Member Responsibility Amount (MRA) of $7,500 per year before cost sharing becomes active. After that, the member is responsible for 50% of eligible medical bills, with a cap at $5,000.

As you can see, Altrua Ruby and other similar catastrophic health plans are not designed to pay for everything. Even compared to other healthshare plans, the out-of-pocket costs can be steep. (Consider Altrua’s Sapphire-level membership, which is only about $40 bucks more per month and has a much smaller MRA).

But as I mentioned before, it’s much, much better than nothing. And it can be a good way to have at least some level of protection until the end of the year, when health insurance open enrollment starts up again.


Let’s Get Help to Those That Need It … Send Them Our Way!


If you’re already enrolled in a health insurance or health sharing plan, and it’s working well, then a catastrophic-level plan is probably not right for you.

These plans are for anyone who simply cannot afford anything else, who have been left behind by the American healthcare system or who are simply experiencing some difficult times.

We want to help these people. If you know someone that can’t afford coverage, please send them our way. We’ll tell them about Altrua Ruby, and other catastrophic plans that can keep them protected. But we’ll do much more than that: We’ll go to work to find them something even better, and help them develop a healthcare strategy they can count on for years to come. And, we’ll give them the same deal we give all our clients, by not charging them a thing.


Forward this newsletter to them if you like, or just give them our number.

We look forward to meeting them!



Click here to schedule an appointment, or call 800-913-0172 to get started.    

To your health and wealth,

Wiley Long Signature

Wiley P. Long, III
President - HSA for America

Wiley Long Portrait

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Wiley Long HSA for America President

Wiley Long is President of HSA for America. He believes that consumers should have choice and price transparency, so they can make the best healthcare decisions for their needs. Read more about Wiley on his Bio page.

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