March 2025 DPC Newsletters  Vol. 3, Issue 3

How Health Sharing and DPC Work Together For Your Patients


Direct Primary Care provides exceptional access to primary care.

However, patients still need financial protection for hospitalizations, surgeries, and specialist care. But patients who don’t qualify for a subsidy increasingly can’t afford traditional health insurance

When budgets get squeezed, sometimes the DPC membership gets canceled. That’s not good for you or your patients!

If a patient tells you they can’t afford the DPC or health insurance, consider suggesting a more affordable non-insurance solution that still provides access to the catastrophic and specialist care they need: health sharing. 

How Health Sharing Complements DPC

Health sharing is an ideal complement for DPC. 

Lower Costs – Health sharing costs up to 50% less than unsubsidized traditional insurance products, while still sharing the cost of major medical expenses. 

Freedom to Choose – Unlike traditional insurance, health sharing generally allows members to pick their doctors and hospitals –– without network restrictions.

Group Discounts – Health sharing groups negotiate much lower rates on hospital stays, imaging, labs, and procedures. 

More Proactive Care – Because DPC members receive DPC-recommended preventive care and screenings, they are likely to vastly reduce future medical costs.

Year-round enrollment – There are no limited enrollment periods. Sign up any time. 

Improved patient loyalty – If you can show patients how to save thousands per year while still receiving excellent protection, they’re more likely to stay with your DPC. 

Health sharing may not work for everyone. People with pre-existing conditions may still be better served by traditional insurance products. But it’s worth a look for healthy people. If your patients need more information, direct them to Or they can call me directly.

Wiley Long HSA for America President

Wiley Long is President of HSA for America. He believes that consumers should have choice and price transparency, so they can make the best healthcare decisions for their needs. Read more about Wiley on his Bio page.



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