December 2024 DPC Newsletters  Vol. 2, Issue 12

Best Catastrophic-Only Health Share Plans


Not everyone needs or wants an expensive, full-fledged health insurance policy that covers all the bells and whistles.

Many people just want an affordable and easy-to-understand plan that just focuses on rare, expensive, or catastrophic healthcare events, while keeping monthly costs as low as possible.

These people can afford a few thousand for an ER visit. They want affordable protection against serious and potentially bankrupting medical bills. And they don’t want to pay extra for coverage they don’t want or need, like drug rehab plans for people who don’t do drugs.

Good news: There are plans out there that do just that – and they work very well with DPC. 

Two great low-cost, catastrophic-focused healthshare plans include Altrua’s RUBY plan and JHS Community Health Share

They’re both health sharing plans, not traditional insurance. Both are designed to maximize protection against catastrophic events while keeping monthly costs as low as possible. So members have more money to save and invest until they need care.

Meanwhile, they can stay with your DPC practice, and get their primary care from you!

With both plans, members are responsible for the first $10,000 to $15,000 in medical expenses per year. But everything above that is generally 100% shareable, up to $1 million, depending on the plan they choose.

And both plans cost just a fraction of what a traditional unsubsidized health insurance policy costs – saving thousands of dollars per year.

If you have patients who have some savings, but who want to keep costs as low as possible, hand them this newsletter, have them visit, or have them call us at 800-913-0172. 

Wiley Long HSA for America President

Wiley Long is President of HSA for America. He believes that consumers should have choice and price transparency, so they can make the best healthcare decisions for their needs. Read more about Wiley on his Bio page.



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