Short Term Health Insurance

Really Low Rates,

Available Any Time

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Many Americans who had their health plans cancelled due to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are looking for effective and valuable alternatives to an ACA plan. Others have lost employer-based coverage, or have recently graduated from college and are off their parents’ plan.

A short-term health plan provides benefits in the same way a major medical plan does, but for a predetermined length of time. Depending on the plan, you can get coverage for as little as 30 days or any period of less than 12 months.

In either case, a short-term plan may be a much less expensive option than a permanent health insurance plan. These plans are also available year round, even if you are not within an open enrollment period.

Please note that these plans are not HSA-qualified, and they do not exempt you from the tax penalty for not having approved health insurance coverage if your state mandates one.

To get an instant quote on plans in your area, just fill out the form below. If you like what you see, you can apply in about 5 minutes, and be covered tomorrow.

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Flexible, Affordable and Accessible Coverage

Short-term medical plans are becoming a very popular choice for coverage while transitioning to an Obamacare plan. You can get next-day coverage after you enroll in a short-term plan, and depending on when you choose to begin coverage and how long the term of the plan is, you should be able to wait until as late as the end of 2025 to enroll in a more-expensive ACA-qualified plan.

Note that a short-term plan does not exempt you from tax penalties for not having approved health insurance in place. You can be without coverage for up to three months during the year without facing a penalty. You may also already be exempt from the tax penalty.

Penalties and Hardship Exemptions

Because short-term plans do not meet ACA guidelines, you could still be subject to the tax penalty. However, there are many circumstances that could exempt you from this penalty, and these fall under a hardship exemption.

Was your health plan cancelled and you can’t find affordable coverage? Then you qualify for a hardship exemption. Other situations include medical bills in the past 24 months you’re unable to pay, the death of a close family member, or being a domestic abuse victim also qualify you. You will be required to submit supporting documentation when submitting your exemption form, which you can download here:

Hardship Exemption Application Form

With a short-term plan, you can benefit from prescription drug coverage and medical coverage for exactly the amount of time you need it. Your coverage is good for traveling because you have access to a wide network of physicians and hospitals, while also having out-of-network options if needed. Deductibles and lifetime maximums are offered with greater value than long-term plans or Obamacare plans.

Is a Short-Term Medical Plan Right for You?

Short-term medical plans are an effective and affordable way for individuals and family members to ensure continuing insurance protection when their coverage is lapsing due to:

  1. Missed enrollment deadline
  2. Cancelled or lack of employer-based coverage
  3. Recent graduation and loss of educational insurance coverage
  4. Not covered under parents’ plan
  5. Seasonal employment
  6. In-between jobs or in a waiting period
  7. Outside of open enrollment
  8. Waiting to enroll in Obamacare

If you sign up today, your coverage goes into effect as quickly as tomorrow. Keep in mind that non-ACA short-term medical plans are neither required to cover pre-existing conditions, nor do they  offer the 10 Essential Benefits or all of the preventive care that comes with ACA plans.

Short-term plans are also great for those who simply cannot afford the higher premiums that permanent plans carry. A short-term plan often costs less than half of what a permanent policy costs.

National General Short Term Plans

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  1. $250,000 or $1,000,000 available per coverage term
  2. $50 co-pay for visits to primary care physicians and urgent care
  3. Choice of deductibles: $1,000, $2,500, $5,000
  4. Coinsurance options of 50%, 70%, 80%, or 100%
  5. Choose any doctor or hospital
  6. Pay with MasterCard, Visa or automatic bank draft

Aside from National General we also offer short term insurance from other carriers.

Limits to Short-Term Medical Plans 

Short-term plans are limited to 364 days, though some states have differing guidelines.
State Specific Guidelines:

Short-term plans are not available in:

  • California
  • Colorado
  • Hawaii
  • Massachusetts
  • New Jersey
  • Illinois limits short-term plans to six months.

Plans are limited to three months with no renewal in:

  • Delaware
  • The District of Columbia
  • Maryland
  • New Mexico
  • Vermont
  • Washington

Why Health Care Share Programs Are a Good Alternative 

Short-term plans are not available in all states, and may not be the best option. Many people are choosing to join health sharing plans instead. These medical cost sharing programs are available year round with no specific enrollment period. In most cases, you can get a next-day effective day.

Health sharing plans are not insurance, but they serve a similar purpose. If you’d like to learn more, visit our page on healthshare programs.

National General plans are available nationwide, but all plans are not available in each and every state. Your HSA for America Personal Benefits Manager can provide specific details about coverage periods by state, coverage costs for your budget, and any exceptions based on your location.

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Helping thousands lower health insurance costs since 2004!

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Disclaimer: All information on this website is relayed to the best of the Company's ability, but does not guarantee accuracy. Information may be out of date. The content provided on this site is intended for informational purposes only and does not guarantee price or coverage. This site is not intended as, and does not constitute, accounting, legal, tax, and/or other professional advice. Determination of actual price is subject to Carriers.