Dec 12, 2021 | Health Insurance, Healthcare
If you’re a small business with 50 or fewer employees, then you’re not required to offer a group health insurance plan to your employees. But as any business owner will tell you, offering some form of small business healthcare is all but necessary when it comes to...
Nov 3, 2021 | Health Insurance, Healthcare
With the Pfizer vaccine recently approved by the FDA, a lot of people are wondering: Can health insurance companies raise rates on the unvaccinated? In this guide, we’re going to look at whether health insurance rates are going to go up for people who choose not to...
Jun 2, 2020 | Health Insurance, Health Savings Account, Healthcare, HSA-Qualified Plans
The CARES Act Introduces Powerful New Features to Health Savings Accounts While there is not a single person in the country who would say no to $1200, some of the most important provisions of the CARES act have gone largely unseen. Among these provisions are some...