Assurity Life Insurance

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Assurity Life Insurance

Be Prepared for the Cost of Unexpected Illness with Assurity Life Insurance

Assurity Life Insurance offers one of the fastest-growing insurance solutions today to help protect you from the possibility of a critical illness or serious accident. Assurity’s critical illness plans include a lump sum paid at the first diagnosis to use at your discretion, including living and housing expenses, travel, alternative treatments, and medical or credit card payments.

AssurityBalance® Simplified Critical Illness Insurance

critical illness simplified

This Simplified Critical Illness plan helps pay for unexpected financial hardships resulting from a critical illness or injury. Costs of housing, debt payments or additional medical therapies can be covered. The benefit is flexible in that it can pay for those expenses occurring as a result of your illness.

The plan is available for individuals between the ages of 18 to 64, with a guaranteed renewal to the age of 75. Application is simple with no medical exam required for approval. Rates are based on gender and tobacco use.

Multiple Benefits across Three Categories

benefits diagnosis balance

AssurityBalance® benefits are paid for a first-time diagnosis in any of three categories. If you receive a first-time diagnosis with another condition in any of the other categories, you are eligible to receive 100 percent of the plan’s benefit for that diagnosis. With full benefits approved for each category, you are eligible to receive up to three times the policy benefit amount if used in all three categories described below.  (There must be at least 180 days between the dates of diagnosis of multiple conditions or procedures across categories.)

Multiple Assurity Life Insurance Benefits within a Single Category

Your benefit can be used for more than one condition in a single category. If you receive less than 100 percent of the benefit amount for a condition in one category, and are diagnosed with another condition within the same category, you will receive the remaining benefit amount up to 100 percent for that category.

Category I

Invasive and Non-Invasive Cancer

Category II

Heart Attack, Heart Transplant Combined With Other Transplants, Stroke, Coronary Bypass Surgery, And Angioplasty

Category III

Advanced Alzheimer’s disease, Coma, Renal Failure, Major Burns, Major Non-Heart Organ Transplant, and And Paralysis Not Associated with Stroke.

Coverage begins immediately for all conditions in Categories II and III. A waiting period of 90 days applies for conditions in Category I. The benefit payment is paid directly to you for use as needed (medical bills, mortgage/rent, credit card payments, travel, alternative treatments, etc.). Your spouse and children may receive critical illness insurance through riders on your policy without an additional premium.

The policy includes a return of premium provision upon your death—100% premiums paid less benefits received if you die of any cause; maximum benefit less prior benefits received within the illness category with criteria met—to be paid to your beneficiaries.

Assurity offers riders such as Return of Premium rider at age 75, Disability Waiver of Premium rider, Accidental Death benefit rider, Spouse Critical Illness rider, and Children’s Critical Illness rider.

We’re here to help with Assurity Life Insurance!

HSA for America Personal Benefits Managers can help you save money while finding the best coverage for critical illness protection. Call your Personal Benefits Manager today at (800) 913-0172 to get an instant quote and get all details on AssurityBalance® Simplified Critical Illness plan!


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